Apr 28, 2010

A Shot Of Gin

Virginia Bittorf

A test picture I took with a digital camera
for one of our class portrait projects.

Find her at:
A Shot Of Gin

Apr 27, 2010

Spring Seeds

We had to shoot a picture that represented Spring. Well while some may not appreciate the cute little weeds for all their worth, I on the other hand love them. They remind me of a great friend and I will always cherish their little cuteness whenever spring rolls around.

The Image I submitted. I felt that the
colors and the "flower" itself had the
right thing going for the theme.

Just a shot I took while I was at it

Apr 16, 2010

Triad: The Three Sisters

The last of the color projects has come and gone. The final assignment was to shoot triad colors, which I cant seem to put into sensible words at this time so I'll just show you :P.

A tab from a can of Cheerwine laying on my purse.

A Strawberry with Whipped Cream and a Leaf with a Blue Tablecloth

Complimentary : The Distant Lovers

Complimentary time~! Colors that are opposites on the color wheel :P

A street curb with my Car

My Class Ring in Some Clover

Analogous: The Nifty Neighbor

A new Design assignment creates new opportunities to my mind to wander over the brink of insanity and back. Luckily I managed to snap a few photos on this trip :)

Analogous: A photo dominated by colors that sit beside each other on the color wheel or star.

Blue & Cyan
A Macro shot of a pop rock

Some Bracelets I own

My Sister and Some Nerds

Monochrome: The Solitary Soldier

In Design Class we have begun learning all about colors~! My next few posts will cover the crazy assignments we have been doing and the fun learning process that has begun.

Monochrome is a photo that focuses on a single color (other than neutrals such as white or black)

Below are some of my submissions :)

Taken in Downtown Chapel Hill

An Old VW Van I found sitting in a parking lot~!